Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Education is a creative act, not an act of imitation. When on the path of self-realization, sometimes it’s easy to look up to our teachers as people to ape. We admire their station in life, so that is a natural impulse. What we don’t realize is that teachers are our peers, not gods. We should think of them as handing us maps. Look at the map and see where you are on it. Are you where you thought you were? Do you want to be somewhere else? Do you want to be where your teacher is? What’s the best way to get there for you and your life?
Each of us makes his/her own pathway to the Truth. You are not the only one to envision the world in a certain way, but the world that you perceive is unique to you alone. There is only one Truth, but there are infinite ways to experience it.
The one and only true teacher resides within each of us. It is our decision whether or not to pay attention to what that teacher says.
No one has ever taught us anything. They have only revealed truths which we already knew.

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