Tuesday, February 26, 2008

All you revolutionaries out there--make sure you don't miss ZEITGEIST! You can watch it for FREE on this website or check it on Google Video here.

Zeitgeist is one of the most expansive conspiracy theory films I've ever seen. As low budget as it is, it’s both powerful and frightening, and I would recommend it to any free thinking human out there. It's way too large to describe here, so I won't even try. Suffice to say that it covers the gamut, questioning the Bible, the existence of Jesus Christ, Vietnam, 9/11, the Federal Reserve, brain implanted microchips ,and the ever advancing plans for One World Government.

Watch it with the lights on. Yikes!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

An old Cherokee Chief put a hand on his son’s shoulder and led him away from the campfire. It was frigid night, and though he hated to walk away, the boy had the utmost respect for his father, and so he went without a sound. Once away from the glare of the fire, they looked up at the sky, and were silent in awe of the brilliance of the heavens.

“Inside of you, there are two wolves fighting,” the Chief said. “The first wolf is the embodiment of all that is spiteful and hateful in you—all that is lazy and arrogant and ignorant and immature and greedy and selfish. In it’s jaws it holds all your fears of tomorrow and all the failures yet to come.

“The other wolf is the embodiment of all that is good and pure in you—all that is kind and forgiving and loving and gentle and wise. In its jaws it holds all the promise of tomorrow, and of all your potential that is yet to be. These two wolves are always at one another’s throats, in a desperate struggle to get the upper hand.”

After a moment, the boy said, “But Papa, who wins?”

And the old chief looked down at his son and said, “Whichever one you feed.”

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Perspectives on Levels of Consciousness

Two cool articles just popped into my life that I'd like to share. They both deal with the states of consciousness we experience and how we progress to higher states as we mature, but they look at the issue from different perspectives

The first is from the blog of my friend Adrian Cox, who runs the excellent Yoga Elements Studio in Bangkok. The Seven Levels of Consciousness deals with the different states of awareness we experience from kind of a conceptual angle. He classifies the states as waking, sleeping, dreaming, and four other states of higher awareness one can reach through meditation and yogic practices. He looks at the issue from quite an Eastern perspective.

The other article is from the speaker and writer Steve Pavlina, who does something similar in Levels of Consciousness, but approaches the topic from a perspective of our general attitudes as we progress through life. He breaks up the levels according to our general feelings: Courage, Pride, Reason, Joy, Love, Enlightenment, etc. This is quite a Western perspective.

Both authors holds that we generally stay in one to three stages most of our lives, and that to get to the next higher stage requires a good deal of discipline and conscious effort. I recommend both!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Kenneth Anger's films are amazing. Below is a short clip from "Invocation of my Demon Brother." I recently read an analysis of this film, basically saying that by "demon brother" Anger meant one's higher self, not a devil or something. This film was constructed to awaken the higher self in the viewer.

Anger actually believed that by constructing his film in a certain way, by sequencing certain symbols and images - images that that one may not understand consciously, but that one's sub-conscious would recognize - he was actually casting a spell on the viewer. By watching his films, he believed he could awaken the eternal soul in each of us - a soul that would know what its talents were and what its true direction in life should be.

Looking at the film, I can believe that a spell is being cast!