Thursday, November 30, 2006

Intention and Detachment

Something came into shockingly clear focus for me last night. I think my man Deepak Chopra here best said it:

“The only true security comes from your willingness to embrace the unknown. By relinquishing your attachment to the known, you allow wisdom and uncertainty to factor into all your choices…Practicing detachment and embracing uncertainly, you relinquish the need to hold on to the past, which is the only thing that is known. By being open to what is happening rather than trying to control how things unfold, you experience the excitement, adventure and mystery of life.”

In other words, it is only through focused determination to go in the direction in which you want, balanced with an acceptance of the uncertainty and chaos of life—in other words not being too obsessed with a certain set of results coming from your efforts—that fulfillment can be achieved.

This mix of intention and detachment seems to me to be the key to happiness and making your “dreams come true” so to speak.

Of course, it’s easier said than done…

(photo by the one and only Meg Pukel)

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