“Crazy Horse dreamed and went into the world where there is nothing but the spirits of all things. That is the real world behind this one, and everything we see here is like a shadow of that world… It was this vision that gave him his great power, for when he went into a fight, he had only to think of that world to be in it again, so that he could go through anything and not be hurt.” –Black Elk Speaks, transcribed by John G. Neihardt
“A really excellent narcissist would be a really powerful tool for saving the planet. If everyone was a perfect narcissist, there would be nothing to worry about because we’d automatically fix everything and our purchases would be so begnign. It’s not self-absorbed, it’s just knowing what’s good for self… as we perfect our narcissism, it comes around where you’re actually doing things that feel like sharing, that feel like connected behavior.” --Alex Bogusky in this Fast Company article
Each of us is the whole and total definition of our capacities. We are the authorities of how our lives will play out. We are the dreamers of dreams, the masters of our own destinies. It is our responsibility to ourselves and to the universe at large to live out our fantasies... to the Nth degree… in grossest detail.
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