Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dinner parties totally rule.

In the past couple weeks, we’ve finally gotten around to having some at John’s pimpin’ pad on soi 33, and they have been good (not quite as healthy and jiving as the infamous Juice Party Yeen and I had a couple weeks ago, which entailed swimming, too, but still one heck of a groovy time). The company has consistently been (all 2 times) Pim, Yuka, Taeko, John and myself. The first time, Pim’s dog Power came too. And peed on the floor, thank you very much.

This time around, John was lazy and so all he made for HIS OWN dinner party was fruit salad (HORRAY for Home Ec class), which was good, but he left the other dishes to his guests. Luckily, that was fine as Pim brought some fried rice and gyoza, while I brought some salads. But the real stars were the Japanese ladies.
Taeko made unrolled sushi, which consisted of fluffy white rice, sliced Japanese omelet, seaweed, and some other little assorted goodies inside. It was delicious-o, even if she said her mom would be ashamed of the rice’s light consistency (the Japanese are a bit more fastidious about their rice than Westerners, I think). Yuka made a simple yet fabulous rocket salad with smoked salmon. But here’s the thing—the dressing was AWESOME. Here’s a little before and after, action/reaction shots, which I think say it all.

Afterwards, we went to Ad Makers, which rocked, then dipped into Fallabella, which was too expensive, then went to Nana.

Around 3:30am, Yuka, Taeko and I wound up at Foodland on soi 5 getting some grub. Next to me, some guy sat down and almost immediately started complaining to the cook, “I don’t like this salad… It’s uh… I don’t like this salad.”
He should have joined us about 7 hours earlier.

Check here for the Japanese version of this wonderful little tale, probably in much more concise format: taeko's blog.

Thanks to Taeko for the pics!

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