Wednesday, November 29, 2006

“If you accept that your personal body is not separate from the body of the universe, then by consciously changing energy and informational content in your body, you can influence the energy and information of your environment, your world. The influence is activated by two qualities inherent in consciousness: attention and intention.

“If you want something to grow stronger in your life, direct more attention to it. If you want something dimish in your life, withdraw your attention from it. Intention, on the other hand, catalyzes the transformation of energy and information into new forms and expressions."

“The Law of Detachment revelas a great paradox of life. On order to acquire something in this world, you have to relinquish your attachement to it. This doesn’t mean you give up the intention to fulfill your desire—you simply give up your attachment to the outcome.

"Attachment is based on fear and insecurtity. When you forget the only genuine source of secutiry is your true self, you begin believing that your need something outside yourselrf in order to be happy."

-Deepak Chopra

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